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Upcoming Events

  • Workshop for togetherness
    Workshop for togetherness
    13 Dec 2023, 17:00 – 22:00
    Location will be announced
    We give a workshop with different dishes and then enjoy what we have achieved. With the opportunity to ask questions, to tell stories, to indulge. (Closed event)
  • 7. Special Shabbat
    7. Special Shabbat
    Sold Out
    03 Nov 2023, 20:00
    Kahnaletto, Terrassenufer / Augustusbrücke on the Theaterkahn, 01067 Dresden, Germany
    Greet the Shabbat together with culinary delights
  • Banquet - Dresden is colorful
    Banquet - Dresden is colorful
    04 Sept 2023, 16:00 – 19:00
    Augustus Bridge, 01097 Dresden, Germany
    A great tradition that we would love to be a part of again. Let's spend a warm afternoon chilling on the Augustus Bridge with many others and enrich each other with our culture!
  • Workshop at school
    Workshop at school
    03 Jul 2023, 10:30 – 12:30
    Klotzsche High School, Karl-Marx-Straße 44, 01109 Dresden, Germany
    We are doing a workshop for challah and hummus at the Klotzsche high school. (Closed event)
  • Gefilte celebration with heart instead of rush
    Gefilte celebration with heart instead of rush
    29 Jun 2023, 18:00
    Blue factory, Eisenbahnstrasse 1, 01097 Dresden, Germany
    We present Jewish dishes and explain their origins at the first discussion event organized by Herz Statt Hetze e.V. on the topic of “Remembering - Educating - Encountering” at the Old Leipzig Train Station.
  • We are at the bridge festival
    We are at the bridge festival
    17 Jun 2023, 14:00 – 19:00
    Neustadt market, 01097 Dresden, Germany
    The Seebrücke Dresden e.V. celebrates that Dresden became a “safe harbor” a year ago. We're also there with a few delicacies from other shores.
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